Secure Document

Secure Document

Physical documents still hold high importance whether it be Government, Educational, Certificates or Private documents. Security and authenticity of these documents is a major concern as a menace of copied, altered and fake documents exists.

To overcome this situation we provide an innovative technological solution which insures the authenticity of the Document using consumer RFID and Visual, UV security tokens.

RFID / NFC enabled documents are used to insure the documents cannot be replicated and verifiable cloud data exists to insure no change in credentials is made. The data is linked to online identity database which will ensure the authenticity of the document.

Cloud application shows the data linked with the information as read by the android application. It shows the data as synced with the unique identification of the tag issued to specific document.

Our target markets are educational institutes and art galleries to overcome the copying/faking of documents and Art pieces.

There is an immense need of spreading awareness and importance of Document Verifications System with a proven multi token security features system.

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Food Trax is a one stop solution for all your Track, Trace and Verification needs

Please contact us for your traceability needs; share your ideas and we would be glad to support your initiatives.